A Walk Along The Lehigh On The Weissport Canal Trail.

I decided to head south today to see if there were more green than I saw at the PPl Wetlands yesterday so I drove down to Weissport to check out the old canal trail. It was another beautiful day in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Clear blue skies, mild temperatures after a cool start, and plenty of sunshine.
I have been to the canal before and wrote a few blog post on it’s long history. Here is a link to one of the posts. http://wp.me/p5GeDV-388 You could read the other ones, if your interested, in the archives. Today, I found that there was not much more buds on the trees than there was at the PPL Wetlands in Salem Township. The cold weather we had the past few weeks had slowed the plant growth down here too.
It was still a gorgeous day for a walk and I headed north along the canal. I was surprised to see only a few ducks on the waters. Usually, even in the Winter, there are large numbers of ducks and geese near the parking lot. I wonder if the migrated further north.
There were a lot of folks fishing along the canal an in the Lehigh River when I first arrived. Even more folks were on the trail hiking, biking and enjoying the abundant sunshine as the day progressed.
There was no where near the bird and wildlife activity as the is at the PPL wetlands but I did see geese on the Lehigh River and a few birds, including some cardinals, tufted titmice, black capped chickadees, phoebes, mourning doves and this song sparrow.
I walked out past the fishermen as the trail ran between the Lehigh River to the left and the waters of the old canal to the right. Although only a few of the trees had buds there were still signs of life, including these young leaves on a blackberry branch.
I also passed the “bridge to nowhere”. This bridge and rest area was set up by a local church and I have spent a few moments in reflection on the words of this sign next to the bridge.
I also stopped off at the scenic overlook about a half mile further up the trail, although today the view was obscured by a large number of train tanker cars parked on the railroad tracks on the other side of the river.
I decided to turn back at the railroad bridge that crosses the river, about three miles from the beginning of the trail.
It was a nice walk back, a lot warmer now and I saw a few turtles along the waters, but not nearly as many as are found at the PPl wetlands. I also saw this strand of amphibian eggs, either from a frog or salamander.
The fish were also more active and I saw quite a few in the waters on my way back including this perch. There is always so much to see in the woods this time of year. You just have to keep your eyes peeled.
I made my way back to the parking area and noticed this cherry tree in bloom that I missed on my way out. Another sure sign Spring is here and it won’t be long until all of Northeastern Pennsylvania is covered in a lush canopy of green leaves. I am in no hurry, I am just enjoying every minute of this wonderful season. Here is a link to some more photographs I took on my walk along the Weissport canal. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-page-2/nggallery/photographs-page-two-blog/weissport-canal-april-17-2016
Your deepest roots are in nature. No matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation. Charles Cook
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