Hello my name is Frank Skokoski and I was born, and live in Hazle Township, Pennsylvania. Welcome to my blog and photo journal..You may be wondering how I chose the title of this blog. I spent a long time thinking about it.. I do like to travel and I will share my trips on here with you. But I also walk everyday and have always been fascinated by the beauty I find everywhere I walk. Then it hit me and it was an easy choice. My love of nature and all of it's wonders was instilled in me by my dad. I remember him taking us in the woods looking for wild mushrooms , my brother John and I, at an early age.I loved those walks so much. And he would always tell us to "keep your eyes peeled" as we searched for "red top" mushrooms. Those words are still so comforting to me. He continued to show me the wonders of nature; the joy of watching seeds we planted sprout, , the stars at night, the song of the robin and whip-poor-will, flowers and trees and all the beauty of the natural world. We lost dad last year. My mom, my four siblings and my nieces and nephews miss him so much. This site is dedicated to him. It is a blog and photo journal of my experiences walking and hiking through life. . It is unique in that it is not a travel journal. Some of the blogs will be walks in my neighborhood, a local or state park and yes an exotic beach or ancient city. We are blessed with a most wonderful planet, filled with beauty, and I hope to share some of that with you. I still am a full time attorney, so I may miss a day or two, but I pretty much try and find time to get out for a walk everyday. So be prepared to join me on my adventures. I am glad to have you along.
“Remember what Bilbo used to say: It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – JRR Tolkien
Hi Frank,
I don’t know if I did this right. Just wanted to wish you a safe trip and a wonderful vacation:) Have a GREAT time!
Yes you did Mary lou. your becoming a real computer wiz. Thanks. It is beautiful and I feel like a kid again. Tell everyone back home I said hi. And stay warm.
I am so glad you received my message. I am glad you are enjoying your vacation. A very cold week here but all is well. I will tell Denise and Charlie you said hello. Be safe and have fun!
It is a great place Mary Lou. And warm. I heard you guys are freezing. thanks see you next week.
Hi Frank:) Charlie said you were not feeling well for a little while. He said you were feeling much better and enjoying. Yes, it is freezing here. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and “keep your eyes peeled”. Stay safe. See you next week.
Have a nice day! I got here randomly but I like your work. Good job.
Thanks appreciate it
I was looking for the weather forecast for McAdoo and happened upon the name Lake Irene. Being a curious sort, and because my mother’s name is Irene, I decided to search for Lake Irene, which eventually led me to your blog. I’m now even more interested in your blog because I see an entire section on North Dakota, where I was born and raised and still call home, even though I haven’t lived there in fifty years! Because I’m in a bit of a hurry, I will bookmark your blog, and when we return from our very quick one-day trip to McAdoo tomorrow, I will check out your North Dakota experience. (Hope you gave it good reviews— it’s a wonderful state!)
Hi Lois and so sorry for this late response. I missed your comment somehow. I did visit North Dakota and loved it. And I was born in McAdoo. My mother’s maiden name was Butala!
I followed your link from Facebook – Hiking Friends of PA. The beauty of your photos and the proximity to the experience was the motivator. I am excited to see your photos!
Thanks for your kind comment. I love hiking and sharing my experiences.
Hi there,
Just like Linda I got your contact from the FB PA site. As a fellow blogger I always enjoy reading other’s work. Lovely website by the way. Definitely will check your future posts. Happy travels!
Hi I’m from Trinidad and came across your blog looking for pics of where I live for painting. Funny that I live here and have never been to some of the places you visited. Really made me think how much we take for granted the beauty right around us. Ever since I started painting because of Covid-19 lockdowns I’m really learning to look at the beauty I live in and capture it through my novice painting. Love the pics…do continue to enjoy your walks!
Hello and sorry for the late response Thanks so much for your encouragement and yes we do take so much for granted Keep on painting it provides much needed beauty to our world
I read your blog for the first time today and loved it. Your photos are wonderful as well. And then I saw the quote from Tolkien! My husband and I moved to NEPA several years ago after 40-some years in Mt. Gretna, Pa., another beautiful area to hike and hunt for mushrooms. We now live on a small mountain across the river from Nanticoke and are taking full advantage of the lovely places to walk, hike and bike around here.
Thanks so much Susan and sorry for the late response I love Northeastern PA so much beauty And I love to travel and share.
Hey Frank. Quit spamming Reddit with your crap
Sorry you don’t like my post but it appears a lot of folks do. You don’t have to read my blog or look at my photos. The response I have so far will only encourage me tp post mpre. Sorru I love sharing the beauty I find my short time on this planet.
I came here from reddit. Originally from Luzerne County, now living in NYC. I love seen photos of nature from my old home. Keep it up Frank!
Thanks Mike I love sharing the beauty I find in nature