An early morning walk in the City of Brotherly Love and along the frozen Schuylkill River.
Other than the long and perilous drive home in the sleet and snow storm, had a wonderful visit to my favorite city, Philadelphia. Loved the city since my first visit to the zoo when I was around six years old.
I love walking the streets of large cities. They are all so much alike and so different. Each like a tree has the trunk, the down town district, and branches the residential, recreational and cultural districts, but they all grow in different shapes, just like trees. Today I walked through the some of cultural and recreational areas of Philadelphia, the famous Art Museum and the Waterworks and Boathouse Row areas along the frozen Schuylkill River.
Being Sunday the streets were empty, but not so the sidewalks and paths along the Schuylkill. Even in the rigid weather, they were filled with walker and runners of both sexes and all ages getting in their daily exercise routines. The Drexel University baseball team was running the steps of the Art Museum singing the theme song form Rocky, the movie that made the steps famous. walked by so many other historical buildings and monuments and museums. I realized I needed to spend more time in this beautiful and historic city. we did a lot in one day, I went with my nephew Mike and we met up with my sister Linda and her daughters Cassidy and Kelly, and kelly’s fiance Ethan at the Art Museum today. Our visit was cut short by the sleet and snow storm but still a learned so much. Iwill be back. Uploaded some photos on my blog photograph page for those interested, here is the link. And i will leave you with a quote by this cities famous founder.
“I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore there be any kindness I can show…let me do it now.”
― William Penn
Hi Frank
Just wanted to say that reallyliked seeing your photos of my childhood home, Philadelphia. I have lived in Sugarloaf for 40 yrs in August. Phillies is where I grew up. So it was fun to take a walk down memory lane with you today. I grew up in Kensington and went to Frankfort High. I worked at Aquarama Theater o f the Sea in South Phyla. In 1962 to 1964. At that time I married my sweetheart who moved me to our beloved mountains. I think you went to school at Trans. With some of out children. I rarely ever go to Phillies but miss many of the places. My husband and I went on our first date at the Art Museum. Boat Row was another of my favorite places. Thanks again and I am happy you made it home. Wish I were so lucky. I live in the woods and my driveway was all ice so I am staying with a daughter in Allentown and had planned to go home today. Allentown has some really interesting. Buildings. I marvel at the historical disrric. This is my first blog I have visited. Look at what you have started. Lola. Thanks for sharing. Carol
Good morning Carol. I love Philly too. I remember my first visit to the zoo, it would have been around 1963 or 1964. Loved seeing the elephants. They were still alive but moved elsewhere just a few years ago. I would visit the Franklin Institute and Independance Hall with Trans. i left the 8th grade in 1972. Don’t remember that name. I love the Fairmount park area and need to explore more, when the weather gets warmer. It wasn’t fun getting home on that turnpike. I don’t visit Allentown a lto but i love bethlehem. Lot of history. Glad you enjoyed the blog. It is new to me and a lot of work but i love sharing my adventures. Please feel free to comment and spread the word. Thanks. 🙂