Another Hike In State Game Lands 119 And Still Not A Bear In Sight

I am a determined person. I still haven’t seen a bear on any of hikes this year. So, early Sunday morning, I was back in State Game Lands 119 in Dennison Township, Luzerne County trying to find one. As I have noted in previous blog posts, I saw at least one bear on almost every hike I took in State Game Lands 119 in June and July for the last five years. Not this year. I haven’t seen a bear on at least a dozen hikes in State Game Lands 119.
So I arrived early again on Sunday morning, around 7:30 a.m. under cloudy skies. As I began my hike I realized I wasn’t the only one out for an early walk. This deer was watching me as I walked toward her.
She appeared curious, until I got too close, and she finally ran off into the woods.
Last week I was able to photograph a female yellowthroat warbler. This week a male posed fro some photos on a branch above the trail.
It looked like it had just woke up and was doing some morning stretches.
There were also a couple of black-capped chickadees and
I followed my usual hike route on the main access road and found some wildflowers still blooming including St. John’s wort, and
As usual, after about a mile I turned to the left and followed an old railroad right-of way for about a 1 1/2 down to the D& L Trail. It is here I would often see bears feeding on the berries in the wetlands along the trail. But there were no bears on Sunday. I struck out again.
As I followed the trail, I found a few mushrooms including this voluminous milk cap,
It was still overcast when I reached the D & L Trail and hiked it up to Moosehead lake.
There were a lot of wildflowers growing along the trails, including the tall stalks of he invasive common mullein. It’s soft wooly leaves have be used as emergency toilet paper by some outdoor folks.
Also growing along the trail, and attracting many bees, butterflies and insects was another invasive flower, the spotted knapweed.
And another invasive, but pretty wildflower was also in bloom. Bouncing Bet or soapwort was one of the first invasive flowers to escape in the early American colonies.
Another invasive wildflower, yellow toadflax, was also in bloom These flowers remind me of my childhood where many grew in the wooded lots near my home.
The only native flowers in bloom along the trail were the milkweeds, although most have already bloomed and formed their seed pods.
Of course with al of these flowers in bloom I saw a lot of insects including bees,
and this swallowtail butterfly.
When I arrived at Moosehead Lake I stopped and explored the large wetland on the opposite side of the trail from the lake.
It was covered with pretty white and pink water lilies an
Scanning the wetlands I saw a few great blue herons fly overhead and land in the wetlands.
The pair of king birds had returned and were in a large trail near Moosehead Lake.
There were a few catbirds, this is a female perched on branch in the wetlands.
And I am not sure about this one, my birder friends tell me it’s a female Baltimore Oriole but I am not convinced this is correct. Any thoughts?
Once again I left the D & L Trail near a small lake,
and followed another railroad right-of-way back to the access road to the Game Lands.
Near the lake I saw a few more birds including this cedar waxwing ,
a white-breasted nuthatch. Here is a link to a gallery on my blog webpage with more photographs of the birds I saw on my hike in State Game Lands 119 Dennison Township State Game Lands July 25 2021.
After leaving the lake the trail proceeds uphill under the thick canopy of second growth trees growing in the game lands.
Under the shade of the trees I found some more mushrooms including a few of these colorful cinnabar-red chanterelles.
I followed the trail through another wetland. hoping to get one last chance at seeing a bear. Nope, struck out again, I did. I continued to the Hollenback access road and followed it for about 3/4 of a mile back to the parking lot and my Jeep.
On the way I was treated one last look at nature’s beauty, I think a great spangled fritillary butterfly feeding on a bull thistle along the trail.
Once again I failed to find a bear, but I still enjoyed my three hour, seven mile hike. It is a wonderful and peaceful way to spend a Summer day. And I still have a few months until those bears hibernate. I will find one!!! Here is a link to some more photographs from my hike. Dennison Township State Game Lands July 25 2021.
“No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measure.” ―
Very enjoyable to read your narrative and see your excellent pictures!
One of your bird pics DOES show a female Baltimore Oriole.
But the one you called a female Catbird is actually a female Red-winged Blackbird.
Thanks Carol and thanks for the correction, And sorry my comments weren’t showing up I hope I fixed it. I will try and make the changes Thanks. Love sharing and getting feedback.