Another Visit To The Lehigh Canal At Weissport

I promised my fourteen year old nephew I’d take him fishing on Friday at the PPL Wetlands, but he suggested we go to Weissport so he could fish the old Lehigh Canal. I had been telling him I saw a lot of folks fishing there on my hikes and he wanted to give it a try. My twelve year old niece and her friend, also joined us.
It was a warm an partly cloudy when we got there and they kids enjoyed the geese and ducks that live on the canal in town. I explained a little about the history to them and nephew stopped and fished and the girls did there own exploring while I hiked a few miles on the trail.
As usual the trail itself is a scenic , well maintained path between the Lehigh River and the old canal and a few abandoned locks of the canal.
As usual in the warm months there was a lot of activity along the path. Bikers and hikers were on the trail, some with their families and a few fisherman along the canal. Plenty of rafters enjoying the Lehigh River too.
Not much larger wildlife, other than the ducks geese and a few squirrels and song birds but plenty of insects and dragonflies along the water. Weissport is further south and at a lot lower elevation than my home and found some milkweed flowering already. And milkweed flowers attract all kind of bees, wasps, insects and my favorite, butterflies.
Some rain moved in and we got a shower but I sat under some of the large trees that are situated on the banks of the river and enjoyed the gentle rain falling on the river.
Headed back and the kids fished for a bit while I looked for frogs, snakes and whatever else lives near water. Only found some dragonflies but that is okay, they are beautiful creatures, and I enjoy trying to photograph them. This is a link to some more photographs of these ancient and remarkable creatures.
We headed to the car and the kids said they had fun . . It was another wonderful day in Northeastern Pa. \
This is a link to some more photos from my hike along the river.
“Teaching children about the natural world should be seen as one of the most important events in their lives.” Thomas Berry The Dream of the Earth
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