Better Late Than Never, Finally Seeing Some Signs Of Spring Flowers.
For the folks here in Northeastern Pennsylvania, it’s been a long cold and snowy Winter that just doesn’t want to end. In some years I have seen crocuses in February and by now daffodils and forsythia have been in full bloom. Not this year. Still haven’t seen a crocus although these two should be open tomorrow. And still a week away form seeing any daffodils.
But they are coming. And the rain and temperatures in the 50’s today sure will help. May even get a thunder storm later. I hope so, nothing like a Spring thunderstorm. In another week or two we will be enjoying the long awaited color of the Spring flowers. after months of white and gray. And then, one of my favorite Spring events. the chorus of the spring peeper frogs will join the robins and song birds. And all will be right with the world again. I love the Spring!
Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men. ~Chinese Proverb
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