Close To Home Again: A Feeding Frenzy, And New Arrivals At My Backyard Feeders

Another cloudy and rainy day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I decided not to hike in the woods after work, but, as I often say, you don’t have to go far to discover the beauty of nature. And today I welcomed some new arrivals back in our area when they visited my backyard feeders, the beautiful rose-breasted grosbeaks. This is a male.
And posing here is a female. These birds have been passing through my yard for a number of year on their migration north. They have not stayed here for the Summer but I am hoping they decide to stay here this year. Here is a link to some more photographs I took of these birds today and last year.
And they weren’t my only visitors at my feeders. They mingled right in with the many other species of birds that call my backyard home.
There was this red bellied woodpecker rapping at my trees and ridding them of insects.
A cousin of the red bellied woodpecker was also here, feeding on the suet I put out. It is either a hairy or downy woodpecker. I have a hard time distinguishing them.
The beautiful goldfinches were also here, eating their favorite thistle seed but occasionally joining the other birds at my other feeder.
And my Winter residents also joined the feeding frenzy, the titmice, black capped chickadees and the nuthatches.
And the always present mourning doves were cooing in the trees,
And the turkeys were foraging, and gobbling, throughout my yard and in the surrounding woods.
These many different species of birds didn’t mind sharing the feeders with each other, During the short time I watched the feeders I saw titmice, grosbeaks, sparrows, hose finches, black capped chickadees, cowbirds nuthatches and goldfinches share the seed at the feeders.
Once again I did not have to travel far to see the beauty of nature, so much to see in your own backyard, if you keep your eyes peeled, and put out some bird feeders. Here is a link to some more photographs of the birds that appeared at my feeder today.
There is but one kind of love; God is love, and all his creatures derive theirs from his; only it is modified by the different degrees of intelligence in different beings and creatures. John James Audubon
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