Clouds, Blue Skies, Birds, Trees And Some Other Spring Stuff

Clouds, Blue Skies, Birds, Trees And Some Other Spring Stuff

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Well we finally got some of my favorite Spring weather here today in Northeastern Pennsylvania.  Sunshine, deep blue skies and scattered puffy cumulus clouds with warmer temperatures in the 60’s.. Some of the finest  weather of the year, in my opinion anyway. railroad hike -8

I  took a walk near out to the railroad tracks near my house again hoping to see some of the many birds I saw on my last walk.  I spotted this male cardinal at the beginning of  my walk.  They are year long residents here but still always nice to see them.railroad hike -4

There were many more flowers putting forth their first flowers including the comfrey plants, which will soon attract many bees and other insects. It is used as a medicinal tea too. railroad hike -9

I walked past the ponds and wetlands but this time did not see any water fowl  and very few song birds. I think the strong wind may have had something to do with it. I did see these  bright yellow goldfinches getting a drink from  the mussy waters in the wetlands. railroad hike -18

But they managed to remain after they were down and flew into a nearby tree.railroad hike -21

As usual there were plenty of red winged blackbirds,railroad hike -39

robins and catbirds, I heard a few of the later but  couldn’t get any photographs. railroad hike -37

I enjoyed the cumulus clouds floating in the deep blue skies as I walked  through the mine reclamation areas and toward the railroad tracksrailroad hike -14

I found a few delicate and beautiful lady slippers or duck flowers in bloom. railroad hike -26

I got to the tracks but didn’t have time to walk very far but it was just nice to be out here on such a glorious day. I really wish I could just walk the tracks for a few days, sleeping wherever I wind up at nightfall. railroad hike -35

I made my way back noticing some late blooming high bush blueberries on the way. The crop this year looks like it will be a good one. railroad hike -43

I was hoping to see some of the birds I did on my last hike out here, the scarlet tanager, common yellowthroats, or plovers but not a one. I was about to give up just as i was leaving the woods when I spied this little fellow in the brush, a hooded warbler I believe. railroad hike -50

There is just so much to see outdoors this time of year that i hated to head home. But the forecast for the next few days looks good so hopeful I will get out a few more times after work. These days  don’t last long so you got to take advantage of them. Here is a link to some more photographs from my hike this afternoon. hike -6

“Clouds in the sky very much resembles the thoughts in our minds! Both changes perpetually from one second to another!”
Mehmet Murat ildanrailroad hike -7