Europe Day Seven: Slovakia. A Morning Walk In Old Town Kosice And Beautiful Mestsky Park

The weather was perfect when I awoke early my first morning in Kosice, Slovakia. It was my first full day in the native country of some of my ancestors. The skies were clear, calm, deep blue, with a pleasant temperature in the low 60’s. Perfect walking weather. So, after a cup of coffee I was again exploring the streets of Old Town Kosice. I felt at home already, after just my third walk on the ancient cobblestone streets. The streets were empty, which allowed me to quietly reflect on great grandparents and how they may have walked these same streets.
Once again I viewed the impressive St. Elizabeth Cathedral. And the much smaller St. Michaels Chapel next to the large Cathedral. The Chapel was once a church and it’s worshippers were the local Slovakian people. This is were my ancestors probably would have worshiped.
I walked down the deserted Hlvana Street , and onto some of the side streets. There were very few folks walking at this early hour.
I returned to Hlvana street which was lined with old buildings.
The buildings with their large wooden doors and decorative windows made me think about the many occupant that lived, and died, in them. I imagined these affluent families that would have lived here, and their coming and goings in all the seasons of the year. I wondered how they would decorate them in the Christmas season or weather they would sit outside in front of their homes on a warm summer evening. I love roaming foreign cities.
I walked back onto the main street and past the majestic State Theater, one of the most beautiful in Eastern Europe.
Many famous operas, plays and concerts were and are performed here.
I proceeded down Hlvana Street, the main avenue in the Old Town, and observed the art,
I also wandered into the many side courts that were found along the main street.
Here I found some residences, restaurants and interesting businesses. Being a J. R. R. Tolkien fan I would have loved to visit this place when it was open fr business. .
Some small shops had now opened and, of course, I had to take a look inside. Perusing through foreign stores and markets is another one of my favorite activities when I travel.
Hlvana Street ended at Tovarenska Street. and I was now in the city. It was busy both with motor vehicle traffic and local folks walking to work, school or just for leisure.
I took a side street back toward my hotel and the peace and quite of the Old Town
Here, I first came upon the local library , and,
then the beautiful Mestsky Park. I would spend the next hour here.
The park is small but I was amazed by the many bird I saw and heard singing in the treetops. There were many people strolling under the old trees, many walking their dogs and others with young children. It was a pleasant place to be on this beautiful June morning in Kosice.
And, of course, I decided to stay and and photograph the birds in the park, and I was able to capture images of quite a few. I loved seeing the birds, some so alike the ones in my home town yet with different colors and markings. I was now familiar with a few of them, such as these Eurasian blackbirds , this is a male,
and this the female. These birds are singing their beautiful songs.
Another bird filled the park with it’s beautiful song, a song thrush. They looked so much like the thrushes here in Pennsylvania and it’s song was just as pretty.
I had seen this pretty bird in Budapest, a Eurasian blue tit.
I hadn’t seen this one before, a new lifer for me. A Eurasian green finch.
And this pretty bird was very friendly and almost seemed like it was posing for a photos, ii is a spotted flycatcher.
This large dove like bird is a common wood pigeon.
This common chaffinch was singing from a tree top.
This fieldfare was scurrying in the grass much like our American robins. These Eurasian collared doves were sitting on their nest in a tree.
I loved this pretty yellow bird, a European serin.
There a few great tits eating seeds at one of the many feeders in the park. Here is a link to a gallery on my website with more photos of the birds I saw in Mestsky park. Europe Day Seven. Slovakia Kosice morning walk birds. June 6 2022.
I also enjoyed seeing the flower gardens and I roamed the park in search of the birds.
I lost track of time looking for and photographing the birds. After leaving the park I made my way through the now busy streets of the Old Town.
And the streets were now crowded with students, commuters going to work, and folks just enjoying the beauty of the June morning I was one of them. I had walked over five miles and I was getting hungry so I walked back to my hotel for a nice breakfast.
I truly enjoyed my first morning in Kosice, Slovakia. So much history and natural beauty in one place. I knew I was going to have a great week. Here is a link to a gallery with some more photos from my hike in Old Town Kosice. Europe Day Seven. Slovakia Kosice morning walk June 6 2022.
“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” – Anita Desai
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