Florida Day Two: Some Pool Time, A Walk through Florida City And Back To The Everglades

It was early in the afternoon when I got back to my hotel after hiking after my five mile hike in the Everglades and my hearty breakfast at the Farmstead Restaurant in Florida City.
I was tired from my from my hike in the hot Florida sun. I decided to rest, in the hot Florida sun, at my pool. After about a hour of resting, and roasting, I couldn’t sit still. So I decided to take a walk through the streets of Florida City.
I love to walk through, and explore, cities I visit. I also wanted to get some sun on my back and shoulders.
I walked along the commercial street where my hotel is located. There are many businesses associated with the agricultural industry which dominates this small city.
As I walked along the busy street I saw,and heard, some crows attacking a hawk. I think it was another red shouldered hawk. He or she took safety in this coconut palm tree.
I walked to Palm Drive, one of the main streets in the city. It is also the road that leads to the entrance to the Everglades National park . The park is about 9 miles south east of this intersection.
I walked past some of the few local eateries. Most of them, well the ones I tried anyway, serve good wholesome meals. Ihave had delicious Mexican food here.
I enjoy the my walks through different towns and cities. . Whether it’s checking out the local people, their homes and businesses or the flowers and gardens they plant. So much to see and learn.
This walk didn’t last long . It was sunny and hot and I was tired from my walk in the Everglades. I turned back at the City Hall, after about 3/4 of a mile.
I walked back along busy Highway One, the main, and only road to Key West.
I returned to my hotel and rested a bit at the pool. Here is a link to some more photographs from my walk. Florida City Walk. April 12 2018
I was going to work on my blog, shower, eat and call it an early day. I was tired, hungry and covered in insect bites. But I was in Florida and there were things to see. So I was soon driving back to the Everglades. I returned to the Anhinga Trail. I decided to walk with my wide angle lens, to capture the spectacular late afternoon scenery and
my zoom lens to try and capture some close ups of any critters still out in the late afternoon sunshine, like this large turtle.
I saw some of both. Of course their were many alligators warming themselves in the late,but sill intense,sunshine.
Or swimming among the reeds and water lilies in the clear blue waters.
I saw a few egrets wading in the ponds
It was a delightful walk on the boardwalks that meandered through the ponds and wetlands of the Anhinga Trail. Here is a link to some more photographs from my hike in the Everglades. Anhinga Evening Hike April 12 2018.
After walking for about a half hour I was ready to eat and get some sleep . I returned to my hotel, took a much needed shower, and was off to dinner. I tried a new restaurant, the Capri. It was another good choice. After a nice meal and a grass of wine I was soon back at my hotel and sound asleep. I love the Everglades.
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” – Jennifer Lee
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