How Can You Not Like June? A Cloudy, But Lush And Green Walk Through The PPL Wetlands

How Can You Not Like June? A Cloudy, But Lush And Green Walk Through The PPL Wetlands

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There were severe weather warnings here in Northeastern Pennsylvania on Sunday. The storms were to arrive around noon so I decided to hike in the PPL Wetlands since the trails are adjacent to shelters in the event the storms came early. PPL Wetlands -2

Upon entering the woods in the wetlands, I was immediately overtaken by the intense greenness of the plants and trees. Even the ponds and canals were green from the growth the the duckweed. It was a lush, almost jungle like atmosphere.Everything was so alive. PPL Wetlands -24

The air had a rich earthy smell to it. And there was still the fragrance of the late blooming honeysuckles lingering in the air.  It was overcast, but a delightful day to explore the late Spring magic of the wetlands. PPL Wetlands -30

Once again I heard the songs of many birds from the lush canopy of leaves above and  beside me on the trails. And once again had I had a hard time seeing, identifying and photographing them, although I had more luck than I did at the Nescopeck State Park the day before.  I saw this female red winged blackbird  making a ruckus because I was probably near her nest. She wasn’t eating the insect in her beak and I am sure it was breakfast for her family.PPL Wetlands -2

I also saw the song sparrow with a meal in it’s mouth. This one was not meant for family as I watched the caterpillar  disappear.PPL Wetlands -14

I had hoped to see the wood duck and her ducklings again but she wasn’t around. I kept hearing the call of the pileated woodpecker that has been avoiding me and did so again. I was able to photograph one of the many yellow warblers I heard high in the tree tops.  PPL Wetlands -11

Closer to the ground, and along the ponds and waterways  I was glad to see many dragonflies and damselflies hovering about.  I love watching these delicate insects. There were also hoards of an insect I love a lot less, the pesky mosquitoes. They were  buzzing about head, looking for a meal at my expense. PPL Wetlands -30

I walked over to the riverlands and down to the Susquehanna River.PPL Wetlands -37

It was a pleasant walk and again I enjoyed the songs of many birds hidden in the now lush foliage . I was able to photograph this baltimore oriole. PPL Wetlands -15

As I walked back to the wetlands ran into a few critters. I first saw this red squirrel enjoying some black walnuts that remained from last fall. PPL Wetlands -18

Here is a closer look at the  cute little fellow. PPL Wetlands -21

And I  saw these two gray squirrels on a tree. Be assured they were not engaging in squirrel games, The one higher up was defending his tree from the intruder, who took the hint and ran off. PPL Wetlands -17

And I noticed this deer peeking out from the thick foliage along the paths. Here is a link to some more of the wildlife I  encountered on my walk in the wetlands. Wetlands -24

I walked back toward my car, passing the canals now lined with the wild irises, roses and honeysuckles.PPL Wetlands -17

It was just starting to rain I neared my car and I heard the cry of the pileated woodpecker. And, lo and behold it landed in a tree in the distance but with an unobscured view which let me get a few photographs. I was surprised and delighted when it landed on a tree even closer to me and I discovered there were two of them!pileated woodpecker-8

I love to see these magnificent birds in the deep woods. I watched to two of them for a few minutes, they don’t seem to stay in one place for long periods of time and they didn’t this time either. I was still glad to have caught a glimpse of these elusive residents of the wetlands. Here is a link to some more photographs of these beautiful birds. woodpecker-14

I got to my car just as the rain started and got home just in time to enjoy the thunderstorms. Even though it was a cloudy stormy day it was June and the weather cannot dampen the beauty of the splendor of late spring. Here is a link to some more photographs from my hike. Wetlands -25


Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night. ~Rainer Maria RilkePPL Wetlands -20