I Finally Found Some Mountain Laurel, Almost In My Own Back Yard At Nearby Community Park.

If you had followed my last two posts, you would know I looked for, but didn’t find any mountain laurel, our state flower, on my two hikes last weekend. It was a beautiful evening on Tuesday, the last day of Spring and I decided to hike out nearby Community Park and always picturesque Lake Irena.
The sun was only one day from it highest point in our skies here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and already had ripened some of the low bush blueberries or “huckleberries” as they are know in these parts, growing along the shores of the lake. They
The park and lake were again crowded with families , fishermen, and walkers enjoying the delightful weather.
I walked across the berm of the dam holds the waters of Harvey Creek and created the lake in the early 1960’s. e
As I walked into the woodlands surrounding the lake on it’s eastern shore I came upon large numbers of mountain laurels shrubs in full bloom.
Photographs cannot capture the beauty of this flower shining in early evening sunlight.
I walked the trail into the deeper woodlands and wetlands on the northern end of the lake and encountered even more mountain laurel.
I was disappointed there were not more animals or birds in the woods but did see a few turtles,
and plenty of dragonflies enjoying the sunshine.
I walked along the other side of the lake looking for frogs, snakes or some more turtles in the many lily pads growing in the lake.
It was after seven p.m. when I decided to leave the park. The sun was still high in the northwestern sky as it filtered through leaves of the trees along the lake. It was a perfect night to end the Spring. I didn’t have to go far to find some fresh huckleberries and enjoy thre beauty of out state flower. You just got to keep your eyes peeled. Here is a link to some more photographs from my walk. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-2017/nggallery/photographs-2017/Community-Park-June-20-2017-
“I pray that the life of this spring and summer may ever lie fair in my memory.”
– Henry David Thoreau
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