It’s The Season, Snapping Turtles In Love.

You never know what your going to encounter every time you talk a walk in the woods. You just got to be quiet, patient and keep your eyes peeled. And you alos need a whole lot of luck.
I was just about to head to the car after hiking in the PPL Wetlands in salem Township, Luzerne County. I had seen a snapping turtle earlier in a pond so went back for a look.
Sure enough i saw a huge shell just floating in the water. Every once in awhile a claw or head would bob up in the water. i watched a few minutes and thought I saw a second use shell approaching the first. Sure enough two large snapping turtles started frolicking in the water. it seems like they just meet and were getting to know each other. It was an amazing experience and soon got even more so. Here is a link to a video I uploaded to Youtube of the two turtles meeting in the middle of the pond.
The splashing and playing were cool enough but the sounds they made were unearthly. Like prehistoric dinosaurs. They obviously started fooling around in the water, I have an hour of video, but could only upload a few of the highlights. I was surprised as they made their way into shore right toward me. And they started doing their thing right in front of me, like I wasn’t even there. Here is another video of this encounter. The sounds are amazing.
With no sense of modesty they seemed to enjoy themselves. It got kind of like a turtle 50 Shades of Gray. The breathing and sounds they made can not be described. You have to watch the video. You can see that the phone call I recieved did not bother them one bit.
After a while it seen the female had enough and wanted to leave. The male was having no part of it and they continued until they both collapsed, and then, I’m guessing the female just took off as if nothing happened. It would seem maybe some humans haven’t evolved all that much after all. There is a lot more interesting video for those interested and I’ll try to upload it during the week. It surly was a unique experience today. Please feel free to post any questions or comments.
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