May Showers, Flowers And Other “Stuff”, A Hike Out The Rails With My Macro Lens.

I left work a little early today thinking I would get some hiking in the sun out the railroad tracks near my house. It was mostly sunny, although windy and cool, when I left so I wore shorts and a tee shirt. Well not a good idea. When I got out a few miles some showers moved in and I got soaked. Wasn’t pleasant but still a nice hike. Every walk in May is.
One of the reasons for my hike was to photograph a patch of lady slipper orchids or “duck flowers”. I love these flowers since I first gathered them as a child with my dad. They are so delicate and beautifully colored.
A lot of other wild flowers are now in bloom. Seems something new is blooming everyday. And looks like the insects are now getting active, including the caterpillars. You can tell by the holes in the fresh new leaves. I caught the critter below chewing on some oak leaves.
So a shower can’t dampen the beauty of a day in May as long as you keep your eyes peeled and look closely for the beauty in nature.
Here is a link to some more photographs I took on my walk today.
“Don’t knock the weather: nine-tenths of the people couldn’t start a conversation if it didn’t change once in a while.”
– Kin Hubbard
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