Mid Spring At Community Park
The annual spurt of growth is at it’s peak here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Even the oaks, always the last get their leaves, and the last to lost them on the fall are clothed in their fresh green coats.
It was cloudy and cool, but no rain, so still a nice afternoon for a hike out the nearby community park.
Once again it was crowded with many people enjoying the trails, playground and picnic areas as well as fishermen along the shores of lovely Lake Irena.
As I approached the lake I noticed another sign that the season is moving on, the flowering of the hawkweed. I remember this weed in my backyard as a young child and knew it’s blooming meant that the school was almost over.
The abundant flowers of the low bush blueberries have now produced tiny berries. They should begin ripening near the Summer solstice next month.
I took a walk around the lake hoping to see the bald eagle, osprey, loon, or at least some water fowl I have seen in the past. No luck this time. I did not a single bird of any kind but heard a few blue jays, robins and crows and spotted this fellow in a tree.
There were also a lot of wild flowers blooming along the trails, including the pink azalea or honeysuckle,
lady slipper orchards or duck flowers
and even a few painted trillium.
And there was some wildlife, if you can call turtles wildlife.
I saw quite a few along the logs, rocks and shores of the lake where it abuts a wetland on it’s northern end,
including this snapping turtle.
As I made my way back I even found some mushrooms growing on a log, not an edible species like the oyster mushrooms I had found on Sunday. not to my knowledge anyway.
The woods of Northeastern Pennsylvania are so pretty this time of year, with the pink azaleas in bloom. I am hoping I can get out for another hike this week, although there is rain in the forecast. I will still hike in the rain but, unfortunately, not with my camera. But I am sure there will be many sunny days ahead this Spring. Here is a link to some more photographs I took on my hike. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-2017/nggallery/photographs-2017/Community-park-may-23-2017-
“The nation behaves well if it treats its natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
I especially liked the squirrel having a snack. Superb photos as always.
yep he was cool Kent, thanks, glad your enjoying the photos I love taking and sharing them.