Summer Heat And Another Hike With My Macro Lens
The Fourth of July celebrations are one of the highlights of summer in the United States. This year summer co-operated, for most of the day anyway, here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. It was hazy, hot and humid when I awoke. My kind of weather. And perfect for celebrations and picnics. I wanted to beat the heat of the mid day. So I decided to again stay close to home and I drove to my local Rails to Trails.
I also, once again, took my macro lens hoping to explore Nature’s beauty up close. It didn’t talk long to see some of the smaller and less seen inhabitants of our area, like this small spider.
The milkweed and other wildflowers continue to bloom, attracting buttterflies and other insects.
And there were many birds singing in the trees and a few chipmunks trying to stay cool in the shade.
It was hot. There were few humans on the trail. Again, I ran into the usual walkers, runners and bicyclists who, like me, don’t let the weather stop our routine.
I found some blueberries, or as they are known here, huckleberries along the trail. The “swamper” or high bush blueberries are still mostly green but should be ripening soon.
The low bush blueberry are at their peak now and I sampled a few on my walk. Growing up in the Green Ridge section of Hazle Township we picked the low bush variety. We gave them to my mom, or sold them to my aunts, and enjoyed the delicious pies they made. I later started picking the swampers, and for many years, would pick up to 90 quarts of these berries during a good summer. I haven’t been getting out as much the last few years but hope to again this year.
I walked to the second part of the trail and the temperatures climbed into the uppers 80’s. It was hot.
I was closely inspecting the many daisies growing along the trail hoping to find a unique critter. And I did.
The tiny spider is a goldenrod crab spider. I believe this is a female. They are beautiful creatures and blend in with the daisies where they live. Here is a larger one I found later.
I continued my walk and will admit I was happy when I came to the shaded parts of the trail.
I love observing all of nature something always reminds me of my wonderful childhood in the woods surrounding my home in Green Ridge. I remember learning about the three types of leaves that are present on the sassafras tree. One looks like a mitten.
And the third is an oval shape. It seems like yesterday when I first learned this as a Cub Scout in the Third Grade. Time does go by so quickly.
The growing season is at its peak now and a lot of plants , like the pokeweed,
and trees like the acorn were putting forth flowers and fruits.
Near the picnic area by the reservoir I saw a few birds including this sparrow and
I think, a female or juvenile Baltimore Oriole.
I again ended my hike at the three-mile marker and began walking back in the heat and humidity. I saw a few more creatures large and small, including butterflies.
To be honest, my enthusiasm for taking photographs declined as I began to feel the effects of the heat and humidity. It was a long walk back but I still photographed some of the wildflowers along the way.
As I neared the 1 mile marker I heard thunder in the distance so I picked up the pace. I got home before the rain arrived. The thunderstorms missed us but cooled it off a bit. It was a hot one but another nice walk in the woods of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Here is a link to some more photographs from my hike. Rails to Trails July 4 2018.
“That beautiful season the Summer!
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;
And the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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