Poland Day Eleven: Krakow. Chopin And Pierogi, Some Relaxation After A Long And Reflective Day

It was late afternoon when we returned to out hotel after our long walking tour of Krakow and emotional visit to the Schindler Factory museum. The rain and cold weather had taken a toll on us and we were tired but we had little time to rest. We had early dinner reservations at the famous Wierzynek restaurant located near the Main Square.
This was not only going to be a meal but a history lesson as well. The restaurant hosted the wedding feast of King Casmir the Great’s granddaughter in 1364. Yes, 1364. That was a long time ago.
As I entered the restaurant I was immediately impressed by the lavish furnishings.
The list of guests includes many kings, heads of state and famous folks throughout the centuries, including all of these famous folks.
Just kidding, I am sure Cleopatra did not eat here, but this famous painting is a modern version of this older painting in one of the many dinning rooms. The founder of this marvelous place was the same person who funded the restoration of St Mary’s church in the 14th century, as I mentioned in an earlier blog post.
Our meal was delicious. Of course, we sampled the pierogi, and I had the fish soup and halibut both of which were prepared to perfection.
We could not stay long and enjoy the ambiance of the restaurant since we had reservation for a Chopin Concert that started at 7 p.m. a few block away at the Chopin Gallery on Sławkowska Street. Here is a link to some more photographs taken at the restaurant. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/poland-photographs-april-2017/nggallery/poland-april-2017/Poland-Day-Eleven-Krakow-Wierzynek-Restaurant-April-18-2017-
We quickly walked through the evening crowds of people in the Main Square and made our way to Slawkowska and the old building, once the home of the Royal huntsman, that housed the Chopin Gallery.
We arrived just in time to enjoy a glass of wine before the young talented woman, Anna Boczar began her performance. She has won numerous international piano competitions. She performed a number of Chopins’s works for our small audience .
I enjoy listening to classical music but have to admit I am by no means knowledgeable about this type of music. I enjoyed the performance as best I could but my niece Kelly, also a classical pianist, appreciated it far more than I could.
It was a pleasant hour where listening to the soothing music of the piano let my mind reflect on my wonderful trip to Poland and also the horrors we learned at the Schindler factory earlier in the day. Here is a link to some more photos from the Chopin Gallery concert. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/poland-photographs-april-2017/nggallery/poland-april-2017/Poland-Day-Eleven-Krakow-Chopin-Concert-April-18-2017-
We left the performance and began our walk back to our hotel through the now much quieter streets of old town Krakow.
It was not my first time walking beneath the towers of St. Mary’s at night but it still was an awe inspiring sight.
I was surprised, and pleased to find that the Church of St. Wojceich open. Built in the 11th century it is one of the oldest churches in Poland and we got to have a look at it’s ancient interior.
We then made our way through the cobblestone streets of Krakow.
We soon were near the towers of Wawel Castle and back to our hotel. It was a long day and I soon fell into a sound sleep while reflecting on the many things I experienced on another wonderful day in Poland. Here is a link to some more photographs from our walk back to the hotel. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/poland-photographs-april-2017/nggallery/poland-april-2017/Poland-day-Eleven-Krakow-evening-walk-April-18-2017-
“Bach is an astronomer, discovering the most marvellous stars. Beethoven challenges the universe. I only try to express the soul and the heart of man.”
― Frédéric Chopin
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