PPL Wetlands, A Closer Look

Busy day today so didn’t get out with my camera but decided to share some more of the plants and insects I encountered on my hike in the PPL Wetlands yesterday.
I enjoy photographing plants and insects that I have seen my entire life with my macro lens. They take on an entirely new perspective when seen up close.
Yesterday I found this delicate moth fluttering in the breeze. Luckily it decided to take a rest just long enough for me to get a photograph. It is still early for moths and butterflies here in Northeastern Pennsylvania so I was glad to spot this one.
I took some photos of the mandrake or may apples pushing through the warming April soil as well as the beautiful day lilies and not so beautiful, and stinky, skunk cabbages. I also saw the first high bush blueberry, or as we call them around here, “swamper”, flowers.
I have discovered a new world with my macro lens and I hope to share some of it these next few months. Here is a link to some more photographs I took on my hike yesterday. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-5/nggallery/blog-photos/ppl-wetlands-april26-2015-macro
All those who love Nature she loves in return, and will richly reward, not perhaps with the good things, as they are commonly called, but with the best things of this world-not with money and titles, horses and carriages, but with bright and happy thoughts, contentment and peace of mind. JOHN LUBBOCK
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