PPL Wetlands, Always Something New To See, And Today Was No Exception
I have always enjoyed my walks in the woods but always more so on Sunday mornings. Such a beautiful world we live in and enjoy the peace and beauty of nature to reflect on the week ahead.
Today decided to head to the PPL Wetlands again since there is so much to see this time of year. And I wasn’t disappointed. The trees are now adorned in that that light new green of Spring. It makes you feels so alive. And those branches and leaves were filled with so many song birds. So many eluded my camera but I still got to enjoy their songs. And I did manage to get some photographs of a yellow warbler, a red winged blackbird having an insect for breakfast, a baltimore oriole and an american redstart.
I also once again encountered so many turtles sunning themselves on the canal banks and log. And a lot of snakes and frogs but most eluded my camera. I did get one snake in the water. I also saw a muskrat but, he too, was too quick for my camera.
Some of the flowers like the trout lily were already gone but they were replaced by new once including the pink azalea or honeysuckle. Their fragrance rivals the lilacs and I think it is even more delicate.
It was a great day to be outside but I was a little disappointed I missed so many photo opportunities and didn’t get anything real exciting to share. It was like a bad day golfing or fishing, still beats a good day at the office. And my day wasn’t over. I had a most unique experience when I spied a large snapping turtle on the water. It so so unique I will try and do a separate blog post. It is pretty cool
Here is a link to some more photos I took on my hike today, and the red highlighted words above will get you to more photographs of that subject. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-5/nggallery/blog-photos/ppl-wetlands-may-10-2015
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