Signs Of Spring, They Are There If You Look Close Enough.

Signs Of Spring, They Are There If You Look Close Enough.

Signs of Spring April 9 2015 (13 of 23)
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It was a cold and raw day in Northeastern PA. The temperature remained in the upper 30’s.  The cold temperature,  leafless trees and brown lawns made it look and feel  more like January than April.Signs of Spring April 9 2015 (3 of 23)

But it is Spring and the signs are everywhere. I took a hike through the neighborhood and in the nearby woods  looking for new plant or flower growth and, have to admit, I had to  look pretty hard to find some.  The Spring flowers are late this year but I was able to find some tulips and hyacinths sprouting up in my mom’s yard. Also found some pussy willow  and birch catkins. , as well as some sprouting dandelions, day lilies and other plants I couldn’t identify. Won’t be long until all the other plants, trees and flowers join these early birds and brighten up the drab Winter scenery. Signs of Spring April 9 2015 (15 of 23) - Copy

And,  of course there are the other signs of Spring. The ducks and geese are back on the local ponds. Robins, cowbirds, red winged blackbirds, purple finches and house finches are back in our area. The turkeys are gobbling and. the bears are awake from their Winter naps. The days are longer, it is still light as I type, and one of my favorite signs,  Major League, baseball is underway.  In fact time to watch my team, the Phillies. So, while it may look and feel like Winter out there, Spring is here and it will get warmer and greener and , I promise. Here is the link to some more photos I took on my hike this afternoon.

Signs of Spring April 9 2015 (20 of 23)

“No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.”
–  Proverb from Guinea

