Some Backyard Visitors.

Some Backyard Visitors.

Goldfinch 5 (1 of 1)
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We got some much needed rain earlier today here  in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Everything is now starting to come  to life, even the oak trees. Goldfinch 8 (1 of 1)

It was a busy day for me and decided to do some yard work when I got home so no time to take my camera out for a hike. But you don’t have to go far to observe the beauty of nature and today  some of it showed up in my back yard  As I worked in my yard the goldfinches came to my thistle feeder. The brightly colored males sure do brighten up a cloudy day. Here is a link to some more photos I took of the goldfinches. They sure are pretty birds. 3 (1 of 1)

And, although the turkey flock has dwindled since the Winter, a few hens and and a gobbler showed up for dinner, The gobbler was still strutting and drumming, trying to attract a hen, but I think he is too late this year. I think most of the hens are already tending to their nests by now,  Here is a link to some more photographs of the turkeys. 10 (1 of 1)

I can spend hours watching wildlife and I am so lucky I can do it in my back yard.

If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become great and immeasurable.”
Rainer Maria Rilke