Some More Bugs and Bees

Some More Bugs and Bees

macro thjistle wasp 012 (1 of 1)
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There was rain in our  area here in Northeastern Pennsylvania so I didn’t venture far from home. Took a short hike out the railroad tracks after work  with my macro in a light rain and learned insects, bees and butterflies aren’t out in the rain. Didn’t see a one. macro thistle  bug 61 (1 of 1)

The rain stopped and had some clearing so I walked to a patch of thistle growing near my front yard and was amazed at the variety of wasp, bees and bugs that I found. macro thistle  bee 26 (1 of 1)

I found wasps with various colored wings, eyes and bodies, different species of bees and some bugs I never saw before.

The macro, and it’s requirement I have to look at things up close, has opened a whole new world for me, and I love exploring it.   Just a quick one today, got to get to work,.Have a good day folks. macro thistle  wasp 53 (1 of 1)

Here is the link to some more photographs from my visit to the thistle patch yesterday. thistle  bug wasp 84 (1 of 1)


“In summer the empire of insects spreads.”
Adam Zagajewski

