Some Sun, Clouds and Bare Trees.

Spring is sure taking it’s time to settle in here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Another cold day with flurries in the air. And more snow on the way tomorrow.
Not what we were looking forward to during the long, cold winter. It’s cloudy again but we got a few hours of sun and that was all I needed to know Spring, despite the cold, is here. That sun is very strong this time of year. And even though the trees are still leafless they sure looked pretty contrasting the cumulus clouds and bright March sun. It was a pleasure walking in the cemetery near my house and watching the silhouettes of the trees against the sun lit and cloud filled sky.
And that sun sets much later now giving us more daylight than darkness. It may be delayed, but Spring will come. Apple blossoms, flowers, birds and bees. And we will appreciate a whole lot more when it does.
The sky is the daily bread of the eyes. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here is a link to some more photos I took on my walk
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