Sorry Couldn't Find A Robin to Photograph Yet, But Still Plenty of Feathered Activity in My Backyard.

<![CDATA[I was hoping, with the warm temperatures and rapidly melting snow, to spot a robin today. I thought I heard one singing in the distance on my walk this morning. I took my camera and set out to find one after work but no luck today. My dad and my brothers Mike and Joe would have a contest to see who spotted the first one. My dad usually won. I am sure they will be here by the weekend. Can't wait ti awaken to their singing in the mornings.
Couldn’t find a robin so decided to photograph the birds visiting my feeders. There wasn’t as many as usual, but still able to get some photos of some nuthatches, black-capped chickadees and a finch. Won’t be long until the robins, and other song birds return to my backyard. So looking forward to it, it’s been a long, cold snowy winter in these parts. So glad it’s just about over. Here is the link to some more photos I took at my feeder tonight.
“Small birds throw seeds out of the feeder; large birds pick them up off the ground, but the squirrels try to muscle in.”
― Lilian Jackson Braun,]]>
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