Spring Close Up, Some More Photos With The Macro Lens.

Spring Close Up, Some More Photos With The Macro Lens.

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Spring time seems to always brings out the child in me.  It seems everyday some new  plant is sprouting from the ground, a new flower is in bloom,  a different species of  bird is  arriving from their Winter homes or insects and animals are becoming active. And  if you have a natural curiosity about things, which I do, you feel like a kid again, exploring the outdoors for the first time.macro (18 of 26)

I remember so many days in Spring exploring the creeks, ponds and woods, either by myself, or with my friends,  looking for just about anything that moved. Insect, frogs, tadpoles, birds, animals.  They were good days.

Still have that love of nature, especially in Spring when everything is once again fresh and new.  So I still love to roam and explore  the Spring woods. And now, with my new macro lens, I am once again able to look at, and explore,  at the natural world in a new perspective.macro (5 of 26)

So I headed out in the woods near my house today with my macro lens to see what changes occurred in the past few days since you can miss a lot if your not looking.   Today I saw that some of  pussy willows were now getting green and beginning to sprout leaves. Looking closer I saw the tiny wasp that appears in the photos above. Pretty cool.

Also found that the japanese knotweed is poking it’s head up. This plant, considered a noxious weed, is taking over many roadside and wooded areas here in northeastern Pennsylvania. . But the young shots are are edible and fairly good. Please make sure you identify them correctly if you plan to try  them , since there are plants very similar in appearance that are poisonous.  japanese pokeweed (1 of 1)

The skunk cabbage and cattails continue to grow in the swamps and wetlands and as are the alder and birch catkins. There are a lot of other seeds and plants sprouting as well as some buds on the red maple, willow and forsythia trees. I also some birds, robins, a kingfish and a warbler but couldn’t get them to pose for a photograph.  It was a  short, but very enjoyable walk. I love the Spring. Here is a link to some more of the photos I took on my hike. . https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-5/nggallery/blog-photos/macro-hike-april-16-2015macro (25 of 26)



Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world. ~Virgil A. Kraft

