Spring Flowers

It’s a lot cooler here in Northeastern Pennsylvania today, but that’s not stopping the flowers from blooming. It’s a lot easier dealing with the clouds, cool temperatures and maybe even a snow shower tonight seeing the beautiful colors of the spring flowers. I walked through the neighborhood after work and photographed a few of them.
The crocuses are almost finished blooming although I was able to find one late bloomer. The daffodils are at there peak and many different species are blooming in the yards of my neighbors. I wrote a little on their history in my April 15th blog post.
Today, one of my favorite Spring flowers, the hyacinth was in bloom and I enjoyed it’s wonderful fragrance as I photographed them up close. The smell takes me back to my earliest memories of Good Friday and Easter when their fragrance filled our house. My dad would always bring home a flower for my mom for Easter and most of the time they were hyacinths but sometime a white lily.
And the flower most commonly associated with Spring, the tulip is starting to bloom in my area, as is that beautiful shrub, forsythia. It may be cold and dreary here the next few days, but it won’t stop Spring and the Spring flowers from blooming. And we should be grateful for this , and for all the other wonders unfolding before us once again this Spring. We live on a beautiful planet, with the miracle of life all around us, we must appreciate and protect it. it is the only planet we got. Happy Earth Day!!!
Here is the link to some more photos I took on my hike today. ttp://wwhw.keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-5/nggallery/blog-photos/macroflowers-walk-april-22-2015
“I must have flowers, always, and always.”
― Claude Monet
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