The Tower Lines Are Gone, But Not The Memories.

It was probably on a day in July, similar to today , that my friends and I first hiked out the “black road” to the ‘tower lines’ in search of blueberries, known in these parts, as huckleberries. I am guessing I was around 10 years old.
The “black road” is gone a victim to the recent reclamation of the strip mines and last year the replaced the “tower lines” with more modern, and, in my opinion, less character, pole lines. But the memories of those wonderful, carefree days still remain.
I hiked out the railroad tracks near my house today, as I often do on sunny Summer days. It is the only way to get out to the electric pole lines that replaced the old tower lines. Couldn’t help but take a trip down memory lane to those many Summer days spent under those tower lines, picking huckleberries, and discussing those things that young boys discuss, baseball, television shows, comic books, our next adventure,(it would be a few years until girls dominated those conversations) and so many other topics about a world we knew so little. I didn’t have time to hike the pole line right of way but that will be another blog topic.
Today I enjoyed my hike out the tracks, encountering a train, which still brings me a feeling of excitement and exploring a few ponds along the way.
The ponds have very high water levels after all of the rain and the are filled with frogs and tadpoles. Tree swallows were skimming the surface feasting off of the insects and saw a few killdeer along the banks.
Didn’t have my macro lens but still was able to get a few photographs of the many dragonflies and butterflies that were darting and fluttering around the ponds.
I didn’t travel very far today but still an enjoyable trip out the rails and down memory lane.
This is a link to some more photos I took on my hike today.
“Don’t you wish you could take a single childhood memory and blow it up into a bubble and live inside it forever?”
― Sarah Addison Allen,
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