This Snow Is For The Birds

Well they got this one right, we got the blizzard they predicated here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. As I type this post, there is almost 20 inches of snow in my backyard here in Hazle Township.
I am glad I filled the bird feeders yesterday. The birds found a lot of their food sources under almost two feet of snow so there was a lot of activity at my feeders today.
There was no sense going to the office, I would have had to walk since my driveway wasn’t plowed, because of the storm so I spent a lot of the day watching the many species of birds flutter on and off feeders.
They didn’t stop from early this morning and are still in a feeding frenzy as I type this post
The feeders attracted mainly sparrows, cardinals, a few cow birds and an entire flock of common grackles that have moved into my backyard.
I also threw some seed and bread on my deck and that attracted many more species of birds including these beautiful fox sparrows.
Most of the visitors on my deck were black eyed juncos. who fought with each other and burrowed into the snow to find a few seeds.
I also had some blue jays visit my deck.
and, later in the day, many of the visiting grackles.
I took a few walks in the snow and every time I returned I found my deck and the feeders abuzz with birds. Here is a link to a video of some of the action I uploaded to YouTube
There seemed to be even more activity at the feeders as the evening approached, as if the birds knew finding food in the snow would be difficult and they better get there fill while they could. And they continued to search for the seeds I scattered on my deck including this titmouse. Here is a link to some more photographs of the birds who were at my feeders and on my deck today.
By evening even the mourning doves, who spent much of the day in the trees, landed to feed on my deck.
As did a few of the beautiful house finches.
I learned on thing on this snowy day in Northeastern Pennsylvania,, I will never get cabin fever or bored, not as long as I have may feathered companions to entertain me. Here is a link to some more photographs of the birds who visited my backyard today,
“I don’t feed the birds because they need me; I feed the birds because I need them.”
― Kathi Hutton
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