Florida Day Three: An Afternoon Hike On The Southern Glades Trail

Although I was a little tired from my five mile hike on the Coastal Prairie In Flamingo in the morning, I was in Florida and wanted to explore some more of this natural paradise. I saw some folks biking along one of the water channels on my drive back from Flamingo , so I returned here late in the afternoon and discovered the Southern Glades Trail.
It was partly sunny , hot and humid, with temperatures in low 80’s when I began my hike. Towering cumulus clouds were forming to the north and west, threatening a thunder storm, so I wasn’t going to hike far.
I accessed the 13 mile trail a few miles east of the entrance to the Everglades National Park on Route 9336. The trail runs along one of the many water channels in south Florida. This one is named C-111. I parked on the north side of the highway.
Leaving my car I saw a number of mocking birds feeding on the fruits of the trees near the highway.
I crossed the highway and followed the trail south along the canals. No one else was on the tree. It was desolate and I hope I might see an alligator, snake or at least some wading birds. None of these would I see on m two mile hike.
However, I still enjoyed the quite hike in the Florida outdoors.
There were no alligators but there were some mighty big fish jumping in the waters of the canal. And I did see, and hear, a lot more mocking birds in the trees along the trail. I love the song of this pretty birds.
There were a few other song birds fluttering in the trees but I couldn’t see or photograph them. I was able to get a photo of this hawk. I am what kind it was.
There were also a few flowers blooming along the trail. The morning glories had already began to close for the night.
There were some invasive blue mistflowers, and
native, but a nuisance, beggartick flowers.
I also saw some of this unique plants, the white leadtree. Although it is also invasive, being native to Central America and Mexico it is a plant with many uses.
It is also a legume, and like all legumes actually adds nutrients to the soil.
As I continued my walk I noticed the darkening clouds to the west,
and decided it best to head back. It was a long day and I was tired anyway.
However, I discovered another [place to hike when I am in South Florida and also learned all of the water channels have hiking trails open to the public. I can, and plan to, spend many months exploring them. I made it back to my car and only a few drops of rain fell on my drive back to Florida City. It was time for dinner, some photo editing and sleep. Here is a link to a gallery with more photographs from my hike on the Southern Glades Trail. Florida Day Three. Florida City afternoon hike February 19 2021.
Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. Ralph Waldo Emerson
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