Archive for April 2015
Mountain View Cemetery, A Winter Wonderland in Spring.
A lot of folks, myself included, weren’t happy with the snow storm we got here yesterday. Almost six inches of snow in my backyard when it ended last night. I wasn’t looking forward to walking in it this morning. I used to love snow as a kid. I would watch the forecast every night…
Read MoreBackyard Critters, Some New And Old Faces.
I am very fortunate to have some type of animals visit my backyard and bird feeders all year long, even on the most frigid days of January and February. Deer, squirrels, rabbits, turkey and the birds that remain for the Winter give me much pleasure in the cold and dark months. But I always look…
Read MorePPL Wetlands And Riverlands. Plenty Of Wildlife And History.
Last night the warm weather we had here the past few days brought out the welcome chorus of the spring peepers. These tiny frogs emerge in the spring and the calls of the male frog fill the night air on the first warm nights of spring. It also is a signal for me to visit the…
Read MoreThe Birds Are Back, And They Are Very Welcome.
Spent a quite day reflecting on Easter and visiting with family. But had some time to photograph some of my feathered friends who visit my backyard feeders. My dad would throw out bread for them too and spent many hours watching them in his backyard. . We often watched them together. So it always brings…
Read MorePlay Ball. Philadelphia Phillies Home Opener.
Another sure sign of Spring is the beginning of baseball season. I have been a Philadelphia Phillies since I was six years old. I still remember watching Jim Bunning’s perfect game with my dad on Father’s Day. I didn’t get really interested in the Phillies for a few more years but once I did I…
Read MoreSigns Of Spring, They Are There If You Look Close Enough.
It was a cold and raw day in Northeastern PA. The temperature remained in the upper 30’s. The cold temperature, leafless trees and brown lawns made it look and feel more like January than April. But it is Spring and the signs are everywhere. I took a hike through the neighborhood and in the nearby…
Read MoreWalking The Rails Again.
I had a lot of chores and errands to do today so I decided to walk close to home, along the railroad tracks that run near my house. It was a bit windy and cold this morning but that strong April sun warmed it up quickly. The blue skies and puffy cumulus clouds made for…
Read MoreThe PPL Wetlands, Finally Waking Up After A Long Winter Nap.
What a beautiful day here in Northeastern PA. Sunshine and temperatures in the 60’s. Spring has finally arrived. And it sure seems to have put everyone in a good mood. I saw folks walking with smiling faces everywhere I went today. The only good think about a long, cold Winter is how wonderful the Spring…
Read MoreThe Goldfinches Are Back, And Some Other Birds In My Backyard.
The warmer weather we have been having here in Northeastern PA. is bringing back different migratory birds almost everyday. Yesterday the American goldfinches returned to my feeders. I love these brightly colored birds, although they lose their color in the Winter. You can see from some of the photographs I took yesterday, how they are…
Read MoreSome More Spring Close Ups.
Wasn’t the nicest Spring day, cloudy and cool, but it’s still Spring and and it seems something new is sprouting or blooming everyday. I took my macro lens on a short walk out to some ponds near my house. Photographed some flowers starting to bloom in my moms yards. Won’t be long until all the…
Read MoreCrocuses And Daffodils, Spring Beauty With A Lot Of History.
Didn’t have a lot of time today, I have a meeting in a half hour, but you don’t need a lot of time or have to go far to see the beauty of nature. I took a quick walk through my neighborhood with my macro lens and captured some closeup photographs of these beautiful Spring…
Read MoreSpring Close Up, Some More Photos With The Macro Lens.
Spring time seems to always brings out the child in me. It seems everyday some new plant is sprouting from the ground, a new flower is in bloom, a different species of bird is arriving from their Winter homes or insects and animals are becoming active. And if you have a natural curiosity about things,…
Read MoreA Short April Hike.
Although the day started out with some warm April showers here in Northeastern Pennsylvania, we got some clearing in the afternoon, and I was able to take a quick hike to the ponds and wetlands near my home. Every walk or hike outdoors this time of year is an exciting adventure. And warm temperatures and…
Read MoreHazle Creek Junction Railroad Tracks Hike. April 18 2015
Another beautiful warm sunny day in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and I wasn’t staying indoors. I decided to hike up the railroad tracks from the town Weatherly to see if there was any wildlife on the ponds about 2 miles up the tracks. In the past I had seen ducks, geese, herons and even an American bittern.…
Read MoreLeslie Run, Laurytown And The Lehigh River Gorge. And Snow!!!
Often in life, things don’t turn out as planned, but you got to make the best of the situation. Had two setbacks today but didn’t let either ruin my day. I had decided to hike the Lehigh Gorge with a friend. I was going to drive down the dirt road that runs along Leslie Run…
Read MoreAnother Close Up Look At The Beauty Of Spring.
The warm temperatures we have seen these past few days, and the rain we got last night, has brought on a spurt of new growth here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. It seems the trees, flowers and plants are growing overnight. It is a wonderful time of year to walk outdoors and observe the new growth, since…
Read MoreMore Spring Things Up Close.
If you have a love of nature and an insatiable curiosity Spring is a good time to get outdoors. There is something new growing, blooming, flying or crawling everyday. And I love looking for it. I went for another hike with my macro lens today and wasn’t disappointed. Seems like everything is growing overnight. The…
Read MoreSpring Flowers
It’s a lot cooler here in Northeastern Pennsylvania today, but that’s not stopping the flowers from blooming. It’s a lot easier dealing with the clouds, cool temperatures and maybe even a snow shower tonight seeing the beautiful colors of the spring flowers. I walked through the neighborhood after work and photographed a few of them. …
Read MoreWho Will Love A Little Sparrow?
It cold and blustery here in Northeastern Pennsylvania, so didn’t take my camera on my walk. The cold weather isn’t stopping the flowers from blooming or the birds from singing. The chipping sparrows joined the other birds at my feeder today. I love watching these little fellows eat. I took these photos of a few…
Read MoreIt’s Cold But It’s Spring.
Another cold day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Actually had a dusting of snow on my deck this morning. We had a strong northwesterly wind all day but the skies cleared and the sun came out. And the cold didn’t matter, to me, anyway. The robins and other migratory birds are still here and establishing their…
Read MoreIt's Cold But It's Spring.
Hawk Falls. Hickory Run State Park.
It was another chilly start here in Northeastern Pennsylvania today, with temperatures again below the freezing mark. That warm April sun warmed it up quickly and turned out to be a nice day, I have been doing some research on the Lehigh River and wanted to get down to the site of the infamous Mud…
Read MorePPL Wetlands, A Great Place To Enjoy The Spring. A Lot Of Cool Stuff Today.
The cold mornings we’re experiencing here in Northeast Pennsylvania aren’t stopping the coming of Spring. I decided to hike in one of my favorite spots, the PPL Wetlands, this morning. I haven’t been there in two weeks and a lot can happen in two weeks this time of year. And I wasn’t disappointed. Although the…
Read MorePPL Wetlands, A Closer Look
Busy day today so didn’t get out with my camera but decided to share some more of the plants and insects I encountered on my hike in the PPL Wetlands yesterday. I enjoy photographing plants and insects that I have seen my entire life with my macro lens. They take on an entirely new perspective…
Read MorePPL Wetlands Again, It Never Gets Old.
A beautiful Spring day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Puffy cumulus clouds floating in a deep blue sky was enough for me to sneak out of work early. Couldn’t wait until the weekend to visit the eagles nest found on Sunday. Getting harder to see in the nest because of the trees setting their leaves but…
Read MoreSome More Of Spring Up Close.
Was an absolutely gorgeous Spring day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The sunshine and warm temperatures sure are welcome. Flowers, trees and plants continue to come back to life and every day brings something new to see. I didn’t have much time to get out today so took my camera and macro lens for a short…
Read MoreSome New Feathered Friends I Made Near The PPL Wetlands.
No time for a hike today, I was doing some Spring cleaning and yard work, so decided to share some photographs I took of a couple of new birds I spotted at the PPL Wetlands on Tuesday. The first, which I never saw before, and had to use my field guides and some help from…
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