You Don’t Need To Go Far To Enjoy Nature, Early Summer At Community Park

It was a beautiful Tuesday afternoon this past week, and I decided to take a quick hike out to our local Community park to enjoy the early Summer sunshine.
I enjoy my walk around Lake Irena since you never know if you many see an eagle, osprey or just some loons, ducks or geese.
The Summer is now a week old and the low bush blueberries have ripened in the sun. I enjoyed a few handfuls on my walk.
The mountain laurel have faded already, Summer passes so quickly.
And I saw some of the first mushrooms appearing in the woodlands along the lake. It won’t be long until I am searching for the edible species that grow in our area.
As I walked along the wetlands at the northern side of the lake I saw some tree swallows flying neat a tree stump and, discovered this nest of young swallows.
I watched the nest for an hour, hoping to catch the parents feeding the young chicks.
My patience was rewarded as I was able to capture mom or dad feeding their youngsters a meal of fresh dragonfly. I was probably just as hungry as the chicks, but wanted to capture the interaction of the birds as they were fed. Here is a link to some more photographs of the tree swallows.
My hunger overcame my curiosity and so I decided to head home, enjoying my walk through the woods as the evening sun filtered through the trees. Here is a link to some more photographs from my hike.
I returned the next evening, another beautiful sunny day, with my 400mm lens hoping to capture even better photographs of the swallows.
Unfortunately the swallows didn’t co-operate. They were either sleeping or had left the nest. It was still a nice day to be out and I took a few photographs of the many dragonflies along the lake.
As I have always said you don’t have to travel far to find the beauty of nature, jus a hike in the neighborhood park has many secrets to offer, if you keep your eyes peeled and look for them .
One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. William Shakespeare
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