Crooked Tree, Belize, I Think I'm in Heaven

<![CDATA[Left Belize City this morning, wondering if I should have rented a car. Some of the travel sites advised against it for safety reasons but after being here for a day I saw no reason for concern. I was picked up by a residnet and native of the small village of Crooked Tree. He lived in New York for 35 years and returned here after retirement. Learned so much from him about life in the small village he was born that I was glad I didn't drive. He told me, when he was a child the only way to access the village was by boat via the Belize river. How cool is that. He toldme many stories about growing up in the small village.
Upon arriving in Crooked Tree, home of the cashew, it sure looked like nothing much had changed. What a picturesque and laid back village of about 1000 people. Horses, pigs and cattle roamed freely and shared the village with crocodiles and howler monkeys. All types of colorful species of birds were in the air and trees of all types, including my first sighting of a cashew tree. Denver thought me so much on that ride.
The resort I am staying, the Bird’s Eye View lodge, is situated on a lake adjoining the Belize river and is famous for it’s native and migrating birds Saw a lot of big camera lenses already, as this is a favorite for ‘birders’. Of course I took a walk and, for a nature lover like me, it was like heaven. So many new species of birds, insect, plantsand trees. It was hot too, but I enjoyed it. And, as I walked, heard the loudest and strangest sound in the distance. As I followed the sound I saw a group of children looking in a tree, at a howler monkey. I was told they rarely come into the village so I was very lucky to see it. Hoping to upload the video but internet here is very slow. I got it. This is really cool. Here is the youtube link. :// I headed back to the Lodge, had an enjoyable lunch and ready to head out again. Seriously, if heaven were like this, they’d be no complaints from me. Hoping to get one more blog entry up today, but if not, it’s off to the Mayan ruins tomorrow. Here is the link to some photos I took this afternoon on my walk in Crooked Tree.
I’m jealous, enjoy! You’re living the life my friend!
Thanks Linda. I did make a pretty good choice. You have no idea how cool this country is, especially for a nature lover like me. I am pretty lucky. Hope it’s not to cold up there. I had to turn the AC down, getting a cool breeze off the lake, it must be in the 70’s now. 🙂 have a good night and stay warm.
Good stuff Frank. I sure your glad English is the first language of Belize. Dr. Dolittle is whole different slice of pie. If anyone is interested in doing a virtual tour. Google chrome and check it out. Provides a great feel for what Franks great descriptions can be set to motion. Thank goodness for imagination. Enjoy. Head up . Nose to the wind.
Good stuff Frank. I am sure your glad English is the first language of Belize. Dr. DoLittle is whole different slice of pie. Animal talk.
If anyone is interested in doing a virtual tour. Do Google chrome and check it out. Belize. Click on the map.
Provides a great feel for what Franks great descriptions ,that, can be set to motion. Thank goodness for imagination.
Enjoy. Head up . Nose to the wind.
Yep, one of the reasons i chose it Charles. . Wanted a quite, no hassle, place to relax by myself and enjoy the history, culture and wildlife. Lot of cool stuff. having a hard time with the photography page. And internet is sluggish out here, so don’t want to upload a new plugin. Will wait until I’m back in the States. Will than post some real cool wildlife photos, I hope. Stay warm up there.