Europe Day Two: Ireland. A Delay, A Missed Flight And I Got To A Stay In Dublin For A Night

Ireland and Dublin were on my bucket list but I wasn’t planning on visiting on this trip. I was on my way to Budapest, Hungry or so I thought when I boarded my United flight in Newark, New Jersey. It was at 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday evening. After a 4 1/2 hour delay, in the plane, (I hope to do another blog on that part of this adventure) I missed my connecting flight in Dublin. At first United wanted me to take a later flight putting me in Budapest at 2 a.m. ( I was supposed to arrive at 2 p.m.) No way was I going to sit in an airport all day. So United, after some discussions, agreed to put me in a hotel near the airport in Dublin for the night.. I was excited. I would get to explore Dublin for a day, well, an afternoon, it was near 2 p.m. when I checked into the Carlton hotel near the airport.
The folks at the front desk suggested I take a bus into the city and pointed me in the direction of the nearby bus stop. I was soon taking an unexpected first walk in the Irish countryside. I had wanted to visit Ireland for a very long time. So my wish came through, and it was my birthday! The skies were mostly clear, with puffy cumulus clouds floating on a cool breeze. Temperatures were in the 60’s. A perfect day for a walk.
The neighborhood around the hotel was mixed rural residential/ business . The countryside was green, and there were a lot of flowers in every yard,
I stopped at a gas station on the way to the bus stop, to get change for the bus ride. I enjoy visiting the local markets and businesses on my travels.
I found the price of gas to be interesting. I am not sure of the conversion to gallons and dollars but the price in Euros, was the same a the year I was born. And as I said, it happened to be my birthday! A good sign, I thought.
I waited about 10 minutes for the bus, they said one arrives every 15 minutes, but then thought it would make a lot of stops on the way. My time was limited so I hailed a taxi for my 15 minute drive into Dublin. I enjoyed my conversation with the taxi driver. He suggested some places I should visit, one being the Book of Kells , and dropped me off on bustling O’Connell Street.
Like most large cities crowds of folks were walking, shopping and touring the downtown. A tram ran along O’ Connell street but I wanted to get some walking in, so I walked down the busy street taking in the sights. As I walk through the busy streets of a city, and see the crowds of people, I always think of the Beatle’s song Eleanor Rigby “All the lonely people. Where do they all come from? All the lonely people. Where do they all belong?”
I also took in and observed the sights, some usual like the newsstand, and some unusual,
like Superman on a window ledge. Cities are so much fun to explore.
I walked over on the bridge over the scenic River Liffey, and
made my way of to the impressive old stone buildings and entrance arch to historic Trinity College, founded by Queen Elizabeth I in 1592.
The buildings were old and impressive but is was still an active college,
and on this warm Spring day the students were enjoying time outside on the many grassy common areas on the grounds of this large university. I imagined the generations of students who studied here, and relaxed on this same grounds over the centuries.
I only had a limited amount of time, one afternoon, so I toured the campus quickly.
and made my way to the Book of Kells. I knew nothing of this book until I visited the world famous library. There is so much history to tell, but basically it was a thousand year old book, containing the text of the four gospels with beautiful illustrations painstakingly drawn by Irish monks. The illustrations are beautiful. Photos of the book were not allowed but there were some of the drawings on display in the entrance. They were beautiful.
Next I walked up to the library. My only words as I entered were wow! I was awed. I have always loved books and libraries.
This one was the most amazing one I have seen. The ladders and stacks of books reminded me of the Hogworts in the Harry Potter books. I could have spent half a lifetime here but I only had ten minute. I hope to return.
I left the library, reluctantly, and continued my whirlwind tour of the campus.
So mush to see, and I saw a lot, but the highlights were, watching my first game of cricket.
A game was being played on campus,
and I saw these magpies engaging in what appeared to be a game of rugby. Here is a link to a gallery on my website with some more photographs from my visit to Trinity College in Dublin. Europe Day Two: Ireland Dublin Trinity College June 1 2022.
I left this wonderful campus and made my way through the streets of Dublin. I was looking for St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the Dublin Castle but stumbled on beautiful St. Stephen’s park.
with a lot of duck and seagulls hanging around.
And there were many folks enjoying this beautiful June afternoon in the woods along the lake, in the gardens
or under the shade of the ancient trees.
and made my way through the bust streets of Dublin and found beautiful St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
The grounds of the Cathedral were filled with more folks enjoying the beautiful weather. Young and old, played and reflected under the impressive tower of the Cathedral.
The Cathedral is said to be located on the site where St. Patrick converted the Irish over 1500 years ago,
It was once a Roman Catholic church but now is now the National Cathedral of the Church of Ireland.
The interior of the church is awe inspiring.
Once again I was frustrated with the limited time I had and so quickly toured the church,
There were many exquisite stained glass windows,
I was particular interested in the crypt of Jonathon Swift author of Gulliver’s Travel. Here is a link to a gallery with more photos of my visit to St. Stephen’s Park and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Europe Day Two. Dublin St Stephen’s Park and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. June 1 2022.
Again reluctantly I left the Church and went looking for one more must see site, the Dublin Castle. Once again I roamed the streets of Dublin taking in the sights.
I walked past the impressive Christ Church Cathedral,
and found the Dublin Castle. The original castle was built on the site of an early Viking settlement. The current castle was built in the 17th century and was the seat of British rule until 1922.
Again time was not my friend and I reluctantly left once again.
I now walked through the busy streets ,
Once again I observed the businesses,
and restaurants along the way.
There were so many shops I would love to explore.
It was now late afternoon. I only slept and hour or two on my flight, I was hungry, and I had a 4 a.m. shuttle ride to the airport the next day. So I had to leave this wonderful city. I hope this works, please let me know in the comments. but it is a link to the route I hike on my AllTrails Iphone app,–276?u=i
I only spent a few hours exploring its streets and history, but I learned so much. I left with some great memories and a desire to return. I was glad my flight was delayed. I returned to my room, had a nice dinner at the hotel and tried to sleep. I didn’t because of the jet lag and was up at 3;30 to begin the next leg of my journey. Here is a link to a gallery with more photographs from my walk through the streets of Dublin. Europe Day Two Ireland Dublin walk June 1 2022.
“Relax. Your unexpected detour could lead to unexpected moments of beauty that otherwise you would’ve missed.” by Laura Hoffman.
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