I’m Getting To Really Like Beautiful Leaser Lake In Lehigh County

I decided to hike around Leaser Lake in Lehigh County again last Sunday. This was my third visit to this lake at the foot of the Blue Mountain near the Schuylkill and Lehigh County border. It is about the same distance form my home in Luzerne County as is my favorite hiking trail in the Susquehanna Wetlands in Salem. Township.
I am really starting to love this scenic and historic lake. The lake is named after Frederick Leaser, who, during the Revolutionary War helped save the Liberty Bell by transporting on a part of the journey from Philadelphia to Allentown. His homestead is nearby.
In addition to the history the scenic lake is great for hiking. A five mile trail around the lake takes you through of couple different natural environments. I parked at the northern boat ramp and parking lot. It was sunny and cool with the temperature near 52 degrees. It was crowded because of Memorial Day Weekend. I began my walk by hiking into the old mixed hardwood/hemlock forest on the west side of the lake.
The trail was a little rocky and wet from the recent rains but I enjoyed walking under the tall trees as the sunlight filtered down to the trail,
In addition to the lush green new growth on the trees, wildflower bloomed all along the trail on the forest floor. They included many daisy Philadelphia fleabane and
a few yellow star grass flowers,
The trail crossed a number of small streams flowing off the the mountain. Overhead I heard some birds including a red-bellied woodpecker and a red-eyed vireo, but I was only able to photograph this Louisiana waterthrush that was scampering on the rocks near one of the streams .
The trail left the woodlands and followed the lake on one side and open fields and scattered trees on the other side.
Here the wildflowers were different, There were milkweed and
Daisies, one of my favorites were also blooming.
And I saw a few birds in the trees along the trail, including, a house wren,
some American goldfinches and
a couple of eastern kingbirds. I seldom see more then one of these large flycatchers on my hikes but I saw at least four of them in the fields along the lake on this hike. These birds spend their winter in South America.
The trail continued along the lake, clouds moved in, but there were still many folks in small fishing boats and kayaks enjoying the beautiful May weather and mountain scenery.
The trail now followed one of the four arms of water that stretch out from the center of the lake. It soon became a wetland. Here there were more folks on kayaks and fishing boats.
There were more wildflowers blooming on the trail, and in along the shores of the lake. There were many beautiful blue flags,
more than I have ever seen in any one area.
I also saw and heard a lot of song birds in the trees near the wetlands including, yellow warblers,
and a Baltimore oriole.
There were also many red-winged blackbirds , well you can’t call it singing, so maybe squawking from the trees.
This chipmunk ran out onto the trail.
It seemed to be praying as it stood and watched me walk past.
The trail now took me to the main entrance of the lake. This area was again crowded with fishermen, folks walking and picnicking. This is also were the alien-like purple martin nest are located.
from their nest feeding their young offspring.
I was near the half way point of my five mile hike . The trail crossed the dam and proceeded along the fields on the east side of the lake.
Again I found many song birds, including a few field sparrows,
an indigo bunting, and
The trail came down to the lake one more time before proceeding into some fields above the lake.
I walked in these fields for about a mile
There were many song birds, but it was getting late, I had a family picnic to attend so I didn’t have time to wait and try and photograph them. I did see and photograph this gray catbird, and
this tree swallow. Here is a link to a gallery with some more photos of the birds I saw at this scenic lake in Lehigh County. Leaser Lake birds May 29 2022.
The trail left the open fields and descended a hill into a wetlands near a stream. The trail was wet and rocky here with skunk cabbages and mandrake or may apples growing along the trail.
After leaving the wetlands the trail came to a field that took me back to the lot where I parked my Jeep. Some cumulus clouds moved in and I took one last look at scenic Leaser lake. I am sure it won’t be long until I return. Here is a link to some more photos from my hike. Leaser Lake May 29 2022.
A lake is the landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.
Henry David Thoreau
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