Glen Onoko, Lehigh River Gorge, A Lot Warmer Than My Last Visit.

Another nice Spring day and I decided to hike down in the Lehigh River Gorge.This river meanders through the edge of the Pocono Mountains creating a deep winding gorge as it does. I have hiked it in the late Fall and Winter but never in warm weather so thought I’d check it out today, Good choice. It truly is a beautiful place in the Spring.
The hills were adorned it their light green spring attire of freshly sprouted leaves. The trail runs along the active railroad track through heavily wooded state game lands. I saw a lot of hikers and bikers on the trail today and rafters, kayakers and even a few fisherman in the river.
Lot of birds singing along the trail but they were in the trees below the trail near the river and hard to photograph. I did experience my first encounter with lizards here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I ran into a few of them and think they are a species of skinks. Also found a dead baby ringnecked snake. It seems a there are a lot of reptiles living in the rock wall that protects the railroad tracks from the flood waters of the Lehigh River.
It was so peaceful walking under newly green trees and listening to the roar of the Lehigh River. I sat down a few times to just relax and enjoy . Here is a link to a video of one of my resting areas. You can here the river, the singing birds and even the sound of the newly hatched cicada. I could have sit there all day.
I walked out about five miles and decided to take a break when I heard a train whistle. I love trains and sat and watched the local tourists train take it’s passengers for a ride through the beautiful gorge. Here is the Youtube link to another video I took of the train. Pretty cool if you like trains
It was a long walk back but didn’t mind it one bit, walking in this wonderful gorge along the river. I had enjoyed walking down here in the winter months but it was so much nicer today. For those interested in some more of the history here is the link to my February 1st blog
There are so many places to visit here in Northeastern Pennsylvania but you should hike the Lehigh River Gorge at Glen Onoko. A prefect place to take in the beauty of Spring. Here is a link to some more photographs I took on my hike today.
There are many ways to salvation, and one of them is to follow a river. — David Brower
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