Is It Really Spring? Sure Doesn’t Look That Way Down Here. .

Wasn’t the way I had been planning to spend the first full day of Spring down at the Lehigh River Gorge. Looked more like a walk in the middle of January on my hike today. . But that is what we expect here in the mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania. The unexpected. Some years the trees could be budding and the temperature could be in the 70’s.
Wasn’t to bad walking with temperatures near freezing. And there were signs of Spring. The river was ice free and many of the large ice formations had melted considerably since my last visit. It looks line the trail was also mostly snow free, until we got the six new inches of snow yesterday. But it was already starting to melt. Won’t be long no until we start seeing some green.
But had to admit, as much as I don’t like the snow, especially this late in the season, it sure looked pretty in the gorge carved out by the Lehigh River. So peaceful, except for a few snowmobilers, who I was grateful to see since they blazed a trail through the snow for me. And a couple of brave kayaks were venturing into the frigid and fasting moving waters of the rivers. The town of Rockport, once a gate way to the old Lehigh Canal also looked pretty in the snow. Although it wasn’t what I had hoped for on the first full day of Spring, still a great day to be outdoors in Northeast Pennsylvania. here is the link to some more photographs I took in the winter wonderland that was the Lehigh Gorge today.
“The snow was endless, a heavy blanket on the outdoors; it had a way about it. A beauty. But I knew that, like many things, beauty could be deceiving.” Cambria Herbert.
My favorite picture was the one with the church. Leaves a lot to the imagination.
Yes it does, I often wonder who attended the church, who built it, what was there before it was built. I love to think about the history of an area I visit.