Sure Not Missing Winter, A Nice Day For A Walk Out The Railroad Tracks.

We had another beautiful day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Mostly sunny, puffy cumulus clouds and a refreshing breeze. I know some folks like the cold and Winter but I’m sure not one of them.
Decided to hike out the railroad tracks near my house again and look for critters in some of the ponds in a newly reclaimed mining area. I usually find frogs, dragonflies, damselflies and even a few snakes in these ponds but still a little early in the season. Didn’t see and frogs and only a few tadpoles. And I only saw this one dragonfly and was fortunate to get a photograph.
The duck flowers are fading quickly but did see a few and a lot of new flowers are in bloom including one of my favorites, the daisy.
I enjoy being outdoors irregardless of the weather and season but I sure love this day a lot more than the cold and dark days of Winter when there is little signs of life to be founds.
A beautiful day and it isn’t over. The moon, planets and stars should be putting on a nice show soon. Enjoy. Here is a link to some more photographs I took on my walk today.
But in every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks. ~John Muir,
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