Scandinavia Day Eight. . Oslo. Norway Part Two: A Tour Of The City And A Legacy Of Peace.

After leaving the Vigeland Sculpture Garden on our second in Oslo we toured the cities revitalized harbor and it’s many new building, including the slick and modern new Opera House.
The harbor is connected to the North Sea by a long fjord and there are many marinas and docks along the waterfront. Here is a link to some more photographs from our bus tour of the city.
We drove into down town and visited the famous Oslo City Hall. Construction took many years and the building was completed in the 1950’s. It is famous for the event that occurs in it’s main hall every December 10, the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Although there has been some controversy over some of the recipients, one has to admire the attempt to award striving for peace. The award was established by Alfred Nobel, a Swede, but since both Norway and Sweden were under joint rule, Nobel made provisions in his will that the Peace prize would be awarded by the Parliament of Norway, while the other five awards, for Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature, established by his will are awarded in Stockholm Sweden.
The City Hall room were the ceremony is held is adorned with beautiful murals depicting the history of Norway. One could send hours admiring their beauty and learning about the culture and history of Norway.Here is a link to some more photographs of out visit to Oslo’s City Hall.
After our visit we were on our own so my sister and I and a few others decided to visit the Nobel Peace Museum.
On our way there we rain into this unique fellow. At first we thought it was a statute. But upon closer inspection, and seeing some eyes move, we realized it was a person. Always something new in a foreign city.
Upon entering the Nobel Peace Museum I was immediately moved by the exhibit about the 2014 recipient, that brave young lady Malala Yousafzai.
She was shot for attending school but continued to fight for the rights of women to be educated and treated equally with men. Walking through the museum I learned of the stories of countless recipients who fought for peace and quality in the world. And I learned a lot about Alfred Nobel and the origin of the award. I would love to attend a ceremony some day, or at least be in Oslo when it is presented.
We spent a lot of time admiring the many peacemakers and reading their stories. I wish we had more time but so much more to see in this beautiful Nordic city.
After our visit to the peace Museum most of our the group went for a boat tour of the harbor. My love of history took me to the famous Folkemuseum where I spent the next three hours learning so much about the history of Norway. But that will have to wait until tomorrow. Here is a link to some more photos from our visit to the Nobel Peace Museum.
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”
― John Lennon
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