Time Waits For No One, A Lesson Learned From A Two Week Vacation And A Walk In The Woods.

I returned from a fabulous two week vacation in Scandinavia which seemed to go by in the wink of an eye. All of the wonderful sights kept me so busy it seemed like I was gone for a day. Well a few hikes in the woods today showed me that the passage of time in the natural world didn’t stop while I was gone.
In those short two weeks I missed the bloom of the delicate white fringed orchid that grows in a bg near my home. I found only a few faded flowers .
And it seemed the milkweed was just in flower but now they are laden with thickening pods. and the elderberries are ripe and being eaten by the birds.
I headed to the PPL Riverlands later in the morning and again realized how quickly the Summer passes. Many of the plants now have fruits and berries. The wild grapes are beginning to ripen and flowers and grasses are setting seeds. Summer is well past it’s peak now. It’s sad how quickly it passes and being away for just these two weeks made me realize this.
And I also realized then amazing amount of things there are to see just about everywhere you look. I spent just about an hour walking in the Riverlands and I saw this tiny fawn.
I encountered a groundhog who seemed to be just as interested in watching me as i was in watching him.
A heard the shrill cry of a red tailed hawk and found one siting in a tree.
I changed lens and explored the area with my macro lens and again found a large variety of insects, moths and bees.
I realized today just how quickly time passes in the Summer and I just don’t want to miss any of it. i don’t think I will travel again during the Summer months. it is short enough in these parts and I want to enjoy every minute of it. This is a link to some more photographs from my hikes this morning. https://keepyoureyespeeled.net/photographs-5/nggallery/blog-photos/ppl-riverlands-august-9-2015
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. ~Carl Sandburg
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