Back Down to the Lehigh, Still Frozen But Signs of Spring.
Got a little warmer today, and sure felt Spring in the air but still a lot of snow out there and not many options on hiking in the woods. Once again I headed down to the Lehigh Gorge to take advantage of the trails made by the snowmobilers.
The river is still mainly frozen and the ice formations are still frozen solid but a lot more folks out there today taking advantage of the 40 degree temperature. Headed south this time. More pine trees and, since it is on the trail is on the northeast side of a mountain a deeper snow pack. I was going to hike down to the river but found the snow higher than my knees and wasn’t going to trudge through it since I am still having some hip issues. Saw a few deer and, a my first sign of Spring, a flying insect. Here is a link to the photo.
It was a nice hiking in the warmer temperatures but still rough going even on the snow mobile trails. i hike down to the railroad bridge on the Drake creek. Hoping next time I’m here it’s snow and ice free. But that may not be until April. Here are some more photos I took on my hike.
“Life is like the river, sometimes it sweeps you gently along and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere.”
― Emma Smith
Looking good. If you get in the mood. The Bear Creek Dam walk to the Ice Lake Inn just above . White Haven is worth the journey.
Plenty of new mushroom territory along the river. The cool thing . The road behind the day leading to the Turnpike Over pass before Goukds home has been closed for some ywrs now. Great stuff. Keep up the reporting. You never can tell when a discovery happen. Unless you jeep your eyes peeled.
I was just looking at Bear Creek on Google maps Charles. It is the next creek to flow into the Lehigh after the Drake creek., I may just hike up there, when the snow melts. With the destruction of eagle Rock, Stony mountain and now the Humboldt reservoir, this will be my new territory and going to love getting to explore it. Check out the bug i posted on my facebook page.
Sorry for the typos. Dragon is becoming to efficient. Or artificial intelligence is a part of our life forever on. I believe you can reason it out. Until then . I will keep walking.