Fall Comes To The PPL Wetlands.
Another beautiful Fall day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I decided to visit the PPL Wetlands while the foliage still is near it’s peak. It doesn’t last long and I may not get another chance to get down there before the cold weather moves in. It’s much more quite in the wetlands this tie of year.…
Read MoreNorth Dakota, Never Would Have Guessed How Beautiful this Place Is.
After returning from my recent trip to Scandinavia, which was wonderful, traveling with my sister and a group of friends, I was tired and overwhelmed by how much we saw in a few short days. I learned so much and had a great time but really didn’t get a lot of alone time. Even the…
Read MoreA Short, But Sweet, Visit To A Neighbor Our The North, Boissevain, Manitoba Canada.
I have decided, no matter how i try, there is no way I can relate all of my activities form a day of exploring in one blog, not without a lot of editing and I just don’t have the time. Briefly and without photos today was another great day with many adventures, form seeing flocks…
Read MoreLeaves And Fall Stuff: You Don’t Have To Travel Far To Find Beauty In Nature.
After being greeted with some snow and cold weather on my return from the Great Plains, it has warmed up nicely here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Today was a pleasant sunny day and I got a chance to take a short hike around my neighborhood. after work. The fall foliage is just passing it’s pick but…
Read MoreLeaves And Fall Stuff: You Don't Have To Travel Far To Find Beauty In Nature.
A Fall Hike On The Railroad Tracks.
It’s late October here in Northeastern Pennsylvania and, like most years, that means there is plenty of fall colors still on the trees. It was a beautiful, cool, but sunny day today so I left the office a little early to get a look at them. They don’t last long. I hiked out the local…
Read MoreHawk Mountain Sanctuary: River Of Rocks Hike
Now that the mushroom season is over here in my area of Northeastern Pennsylvania, I will have more time to explore some of the many beautiful natural areas we have in our State. I decided to head to the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in northern Berk’s County, about 40 miles south and east of my home…
Read MoreRails To Trails: No Sunshine But Still Plenty Of Color.
After hiking through all those boulders yesterday, without an injury or incident, I fell and twisted my ankle on a rock near my home this morning. Such is life, always expect the unexpected. Well the ankle was sore and decided to walk on an even, rockless trail and we are fortunate in our area to…
Read MoreGirard Manor And Torbert’s Glen: Long Gone And Almost Forgotten, Another Walk Into The Past.
I visited the Phinneyville Valley in East Union Township, a beautiful farming area in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Known for it’s unspoiled beauty few folks know about the extensive history of the area. “Torbert’s Glen, a wild, romantic and attractive pleasure resort, is visited during the summer and autumn by large numbers of people from various localities…”…
Read MoreGirard Manor And Torbert's Glen: Long Gone And Almost Forgotten, Another Walk Into The Past.
Leaves And Other Fall Stuff.
It was a sunny an unseasonably warm day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Perfect for walking but unfortunately I had to work and only got out for an hour before the sun sets around 5 p.m. It was enough time to capture some on the remaining color in the leaves. Some of the trees are naked…
Read MorePPL Wetlands: Getting Ready For The Long Winter Sleep
It was cloudy, and cooler than it has been this past week, but the temperatures remained in the low 50’s, still a nice day for November in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I decided to head to the PPL Riverlands and Wetlands one more time before before the snow and cold arrives. It won’t be long now. …
Read MoreA Fall Walk On The Railroad. And A Lot Of History Along These Old Tracks.
It was sunny and cold this morning, a perfect day for a fall hike. I decided to walk the railroad tracks from near the old mining patch town of Hazel Brook down to the Pennrose Reservoir near Weatherly. I had planned to drive my jeep out to the railroad track but found the old mining…
Read MoreA Windy November Hike On The Railroad Tracks.
November weather finally arrived here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. It was a blusterly day, with temperatures dropping into the 30’s on a strong northwesterly wind. With the events in Paris heavy on my mind, I decided to stay close to home and hike the local railroad tracks near my house. I have been hiking these tracks…
Read MoreAnother Railroad Hike Under Sunny, But Cold, November Skies.
It was a sunny, but cold, November morning this past Sunday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I saw the first ice of the season on the local ponds. I decided to again hike along some local railroad tracks. This time I decided to walk a stretch of tracks I haven’t been before, on the south western…
Read MoreA Hike On An Abandoned Stretch Of The D. S. & S. Railroad, Known To Me As The Stony Mountain Black Road.
Another cold and mostly sunny day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania, but today I was able to get out and enjoy that sunshine. I decided to hike out the Stony mountain black road, as it was known by the folks living in Green Ridge, my hometown, when I was growing up. As I have now learned…
Read MoreA Hike On An Abandoned Stretch Of The D. S. & S. Railroad, Known To Me As The Stony Mountain Black Road.
Coal May Not Be King In Northeastern Pennsylvania,Anymore, But It Still Is Here.
It was a cold and windy day last Sunday and I decided to investigate the massive piles of earth I saw near some old strip mines near McAdoo on my hike the previous Sunday. I parked in McAdoo near the house where I was born. I walked out the railroad tracks my grandfather first took…
Read MoreCrystal Ridge: More Coal Mining Photographs And A Lot Of Memories Of My Dad.
It was a cloudy, but mild, late November day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania yesterday. I was thinking a lot about my dad lately, the holidays are hard without him. I decided to visit the woods where he first took me and my brothers when he taught us to pick mushrooms and instilled in me a…
Read MoreAnother Walk into Our Coal Mining Past. The Jeddo Tunnel And Another Long Abandoned Spur Of The D. S. & S. Railroad.
It was sunny and cold Sunday here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Winter is fast approaching and there are few song birds in the woods now. Insects, frogs, turtles and snakes are all gone and there are no flowers, shrubs or foliage to photograph or berries or mushrooms to pick. So. once again, I decided to hike…
Read MoreAnother Walk into Our Coal Mining Past. The Jeddo Tunnel And Another Long Abandoned Spur Of The D. S. & S. Railroad.
The Lehigh River Gorge: Rockport To Mud Run, Beautiful Scenery And More Railroad History.
It’s deer hunting season here in Pennsylvania so I decided to hike in the historic and scenic Lehigh Gorge since hunting is prohibited along the trail. I still wore some orange as a precaution. Better safe than sorry. I drove to the Rockport access which I have hiked before and you can read these blog…
Read MoreA Mild, For December, Sunset
I decided to take advantage of the mild weather we’ve been having and walk out and watch the sunset. We had temperatures near 50 degrees again today, well above average. i remember years here in Northeastern Pennsylvania when it was below zero already. And no snow either. Just a thin coating of ice on the…
Read MoreA Walk Into Green Ridge Past, The Landscape Has Changed So Much But The Memories Will Always Remain.
I returned from my trip to the “Big Apple”, New York City, on Saturday and decided to hike out my Central Park on Sunday, the reclaimed strip mines near my home in Green Ridge, Hazle Township. It was another very mild day here in northeastern Pennsylvania and I walked down the old trails which have…
Read MoreAlmost Winter, But Still No Ice, At The Nescopeck State Park
We finally got some colder weather here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Temperatures dropped into the low 20’s this morning with a steady northwesterly wind. It was mostly sunny when I decided to drive to the Nescopeck State Park this morning to take a near winter solstice hike. I walked down to Lake Francis which was entirely…
Read MoreCemeteries, Reclamation and Some Beautiful Scenery Near Upper Lehigh.
It was a clear and cold morning here in Northeastern Pennsylvania today and I decided to take advantage of the clear blue skies and great visibility and hike to someplace with a view. I decided to walk out to what is know as the “washout” on the mountain north of the old mining village of…
Read MoreWinter Arrives Soon: Some Macro Images On The Winter Solstice.
It’s the first day of Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere, although the actual solstice doesn’t officially occur for a few more hours, at 11:49 P.M. EST. in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This has always been one of my favorite days of the year, from when I first learned that on this day the sun reaches it…
Read MoreMushrooms, A Bald Eagle And Mild Temperatures At The PPL Wetlands. Can’t Get Much Better In December
We are having record warm weather here in Northeastern Pennsylvania this December. There has been no measurable snow recorded and temperatures were in the 60’s yesterday. It was cooler today, in the low 40’s this morning but still well above normal. As a result of the warm weather, the grass has remained green, there have…
Read MoreMushrooms, A Bald Eagle And Mild Temperatures At The PPL Wetlands. Can't Get Much Better In December
More Ghosts Of Our Coal Mining Past, A Foggy Hike Near Tresckow, Carbon County.
Another mild, and foggy, day here in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I decided to take advantage of the warm temperatures and hike in the old coal mining area between Tresckow and McAdoo. I was born in McAdoo, and lived there for my first two years, It is the town where my mom and her family grew up.…
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